This dress fits completely as expected, and is surprisingly great quality for the price. I'm 5'8 164lbs average build, I got a medium and it fits so great. Extremely flattering, the waist band sits in just the right place making you look slender and tall. The stitching embroidery is so pretty and doesn't look cheap or tacky, which I was worried about. otherwise all around a great dress for the price!
I wore this to a boho themed wedding. It was a hit amongst the crowd getting tons of compliments. It fit well. there was plenty of stretch to the dress. The elastic around the waist cinches you so you don't lose your shape. Wonderful dress,
This dress fits completely as expected, and is surprisingly great quality for the price.I got a medium and it fits so great. Extremely flattering, the waist band sits in just the right place making you look slender and tall. The stitching embroidery is so pretty and doesn't look cheap or tacky, which I was worried about. Otherwise all around a great dress for the price!
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