The suit fit really well. No problems with the zippers or integrity of the material. The green material is a little see through so you can see your underwear right through it. I recommend wearing something over or under the suit. The only major problem is you cannot see through the black eyes. We had to cut eye holes to be able to see.
I was advised by a friend in the know that this costume is not of an alien. An alien is supposed to have two black holes for breathing in the nasal are and a round black mouth. I was devastated when my friend who follows aliens did not know what I was supposed to be. The costume fits well and is of good quality but I am not sure what it is supposed to be.
レビュー: 全身タイツ 肌色 単色 ピュア ニンジャ 舞台 演劇 仮装 変装 パーティー衣装 イベント 宴会 コスチューム