I really really love this shoes and i really need to buy it. but everytime i add it to my cart the error page keep showing..im really annoyed. i really want this shoes..
These women shoes are looking really so nice. They are graceful, stylish and can also be a casual well with jeans, skirt or something this type of dresses. They are also comfortable and just have that elegant fit. I Love them and I also got many compliments from everyone when I wore them. This is Very comfortable and looking so lovely. I love red color
I have a red skirt. And it also matches on this. And it looks like as a set of dress with a sandal. Great service.
レビュー: ハイヒール ポインテッドトゥ パンプス レッド ピンヒール 8cm シューズ レディース靴 結婚式 二次会 通勤用 仕事 キャバ 卒園式 卒園式